Congratulations on your birthday

By typing «congratulation birthday toast» in the search query, you can find many successful options for toasts to the solemn part of the feast. Laconic statements will support the lively atmosphere, each time drawing the attention of those present to the culprit of the celebration.

We will share ideas of original congratulations and examples of such toasts. Here is one of them: 
«Friends!  Today is a solemn date for all of us - an anniversary (Name of the birthday boy).
Today he is on the threshold of a new year, a new way. I want to wish that any doors were open for him, and those that were still closed were easily opened. Today I read in the horoscope that the day favors meetings with loved ones, and since we are all gathered here together, it means that today promises our birthday boy happiness for the whole year ahead! I want to raise my glass for it! &Raquo;

congratulation birthday toast

When preparing a solemn speech, it is even welcome to compose congratulatory texts on your own, as the compiler knows the characteristics of the jubilee well. Mentioning the virtues and achievements of the birthday boy will create a spiritual atmosphere. And how to bring a zest to your toast?

Congratulation contests for the anniversary

contest-congratulation – the anniversary will be filled with a joyful atmosphere of friendly competition will help to diversify the entertainment program.

Poem contest

The presenter prepared a cut from the stanzas of famous poetic works in advance. The company is divided into teams, each participant takes out one piece of paper with a line. From the received parts, the team makes a dedication to the jubilee.

congratulation contest anniversary


Teams guess encrypted charades that symbolize known phenomena or facts. At the end, the participants must determine which side of the birthday boy's character the clue personifies. The winners are the participants who showed wit and wit.

Bonus: congratulations to the culprit of the celebration (scenario)

Do you prepare the celebration on your own? Come up with a way to solemnly beat the birthday boy's exit to the guests. An important component will be music, the intonation of the presenter, muffled light at the beginning of the action, which when the jubilee appears will be replaced by flashes of soffits - the main thing is to create an enthusiastic atmosphere.

goss anniversary

The holiday can take place in this way.
The celebration begins with the words of the presenter:

The glasses are ringing, the anniversary is today in the name of the birthday boy (name of the jubilee). Let the years fly by, but our hearts will always be full of warm feelings for this wonderful person.

To the sounds of solemn music, a birthday boy enters the hall. The presenter says:

― No matter how many pages the calendar turns over, the birthday boy brings joy to our lives. We welcome this wonderful man with applause!

To the sounds of applause, the presenter ses the birthday boy to the place of honor. Presenter:

- Believe it or not. But today this evening was visited by an amazing guest. Having learned about the celebration of our birthday boy, he came here (the name of the favorite performer of the jubilee). In honor of a significant date, he will perform his favorite song.

The hall includes an artist (or an extra similar to the named performer). Musical pause. At the end of the song, the host takes the floor:

- The merits of our jubilee can be listed endlessly. Friends, fill your glass, today's anniversary is special! Let's give the floor to the right half of our culprit of the celebration, and let him/she tell us about the brightest moments of living together.

The word is transmitted to the spouse. Then the guests take turns telling short stories about the jubilee. Contests and congratulations are held. The anniversary is in full swing.

― What can express feelings better than dancing. Let the hearts open towards the rhythms of the romantic melody!

The birthday boy and his soulmate come out to the center, opening a dance circle.
Table break. The toastmaster holds a competition for a solemn speech, which must include the following words: «congratulation», «birthday», «toast». Then the presenter holds a congratulation contest. The anniversary is coming to the final.

Table break.


- The bright lights of our celebration lit up the festive night. The sounds of gentle melodies have sounded, the evening is coming to an end. We will drain the glasses to give joy and enthusiasm to the birthday boy a year of serene life. Let another page turn over with a slight rustle to write a new fascinating story.

Author: Briana Sheremetyeva
Photo: editorial archive